
PSI Water Technologies

History, Experience & Customer Satisfaction

PSI Water Technologies was founded in 2003 by Brent Simmons and Gunnar Thordarson.

Prior to starting PSI, Brent and Gunnar founded ClorTec® in 1988. Under Brent and Gunnar’s management and ownership, over 3,000 onsite sodium hypochlorite generation systems (OSHG) were developed, marketed, manufactured, installed and serviced.

ClorTec® was acquired by Severn Trent Services (STS) in November, 1999. Brent and Gunnar continued to work for STS until March, 2003, at which time they formed Process Solutions, Inc. (PSI) and began development of the Microclor® OSHG technology. Shortly after defining the new generation of OSHG, the Tank Shark® tank mixing system was developed to effectively mix and properly dose hypochlorite into water storage vessels.

In 2014, UGSI Solutions acquired ownership of PSI and added a number of chemical feed and disinfection technologies to the PSI product portfolio. Development and deployment of a new generation of water quality management technologies began as the team addressed the burgeoning need for utilities to exert control over distribution network water quality. The current family of distribution system water quality tools that includes the Chemlocker™, Monoclor® RCS and Smartboost™ systems are all based on the same strategy of improving distribution network water quality control by intervening at the water storage reservoir. The 2017 addition of PAX Water Technologies, a leader in tank mixing technology, further enhanced the capabilities of UGSI Solutions to help customers manage and improve “outside the fence” water quality.

Today, with a team of innovators and experienced water technology experts, PSI provides second-to-none water and wastewater problem solving, field services and technologies to help customers improve water quality.

Making Bleach Made Easy

Microclor® On-Site Hypochlorite Generation (OSHG) is the safe, reliable and sustainable solution for disinfection.

Microclor® OSHG:

  • Safe
  • Simple
  • Serviceable
  • Reliable
  • Cost Effective

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